The film was written, directed and co-edited by Joni Cobb. This creative project was designed to highlight the diverse background and common drive of super entrepreneurs right here in the Midwest – also doing global business.
It garnered both a Mid-America Emmy as well as an International Stevie Award for best video of the year (Stevie Awards for Women in Business). The film was made on a limited budget and shot and edited within 4 months.
“I had no idea, until I saw Joni’s first film, that she had this incredible skillset to write and direct film and tell our stories in a way that drew so many in and compelled them to learn more. It was an honor to be part of her second – award winning – film I Am Pipeline. I encourage anyone thinking of telling complex stories, or moving an audience to action, to leverage her mastery of this medium.”
Tim Donnelly | Founder | SeniorVu